Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Career Opportunity for Management Trainee (Operations) in Pabod Breweries Limited, PHC

Image result for pabod brewery

Pabod Breweries Limited is a subsidiary of ABInbev, manufacturers of high quality beverages such as Hero Beer, Grand Malt, Castle Milk Stout, Castle Lager Beer, Eagle Lager Beer, just to mention a few. To help build a better Nigeria, we seek to engage young, dynamic and innovative Nigerian graduates looking for a fulfilling career, and develop them as leaders for the future in Warehouse and Distribution functions.
Our Management Trainee Program stretches over a period of 12 months in which selected graduates will be rotated in various job functions. The assignments are about real responbility and real results, while creating an environment where they develop through practical learning and coaching from senior managers.

This program supports our aim to grow a large percentage of tomorrow’s top management

from within the company. It also provides a continuous stream of talents with the ability to make an impact at all levels of the organization as the careers of the individuals develop.

Position: Management Trainee
Company’s Location: Port Harcourt 

Job Description:
At the end of the program, the trainee will be able to, among others:
·         Develop depot business plan and optimise warehouse capacity and layout
·         Manage key performance areas of depot and determine optimal fleet configuration
·         Manage financial performance, while ensuring stock availability.
·         Minimise breakages, losses and wastage
·         Manage budget process and control departmental costs.

·         Candidates must possess a university degree obtained at a minimum of Second Class (Upper Division) in Management Sciences, Social Sciences or any other business-related discipline from a recognized tertiary institution
·         Have obtained either their NYSC Discharge Certificate or Exemption Certificate
·         Must have at least 2 years’ experience
·         Not older than 25 years as at December 31, 2017
·         MBA, MA or M.Sc will be an added advantage.
·         Proficiency in English and local language (s)
·         Mobility to work in other areas in Nigeria when required
·         Both Male and Female can apply

Applicants for this position will be expected to demonstrate competence in the following areas:
·         Problem-solving (analytical)
·         Resilience and proactivity
·         Basic computer literacy with Microsoft Suite capacity
·         Planning and organizing
·         Achievement, entrepreneurship, team spirit and ownership

Additionally, successful applicant must exhibit:
·         Multi-tasking ability
·         Proficiency in English and local languages
·         Excellent communication skills
·         Confidence and maturity
·         Ability to work in other areas when required
·         Passion to understand consumer products and the FMCG marketplace

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications, CV and copies of relevant credentials to:

The Human Resources Manager,
Pabod Breweries Limited,
Plot 186/187 Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout,
Port Harcourt
Rivers State.

Please note that any false information provided by any candidate during or after the recruitment process will lead to outright disqualification. Be informed also that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Opportunity to apply will close on Tuesday, 31st of May, 2017. 

1 comment:

  1. ما هي عملية شفط الدهون بالليزر هي عملية تجميل تهدف للتخلص من الدهون الزائدة في البطن وهي من العمليات البسيطة التي لا تشكل خطورة كبيرة على الصحة، إذا ما أُجريت بطريقة صحيحة على يد طبيب من أصحاب الخبرات.

    تبحث عن عملية شفط الدهون بالليزر معلومات هامه حول تلك شفط الدهون بالليزر  إجابة سؤال متى تظهر نتائج شد ترهلات الجسم والبطن بالليزر هي الأكثر تأثيراً في سرعة ظهور نتائج عمليات شفط الدهون نظراً لأن التعافي من آثار عملية شد ترهلات الجسم والبطن بالليزر تستغرق فترة زمنية أقل مقارنة بإجراء العملية عن طريق التدخل الجراحي.

    ًتطورت هذه العملية خاصةً بعد إرتفاع نسبة السمنة، يهتم بالإجراء كلا من الجنسين على حد سواء، وإن كان أكثر المقبلين على العملية من النساء خاصة بعد تجارب الحمل والولادة إلا أن شفط دهون البطن للرجال هو إجراء شائع بالمثل.
