Monday 27 July 2015


Job Search Is A Process and this process can be long. You need to realize that it's impossible to cook an omelette without breaking couple of eggs. Before you find the job you want you might get couple of dozens of rejections. Your ultimate goal is your new job. 

Yet there will be several steps of completion required along the path to this goal. That's because job landing is a process. Mastering the job search process does not mean that each job pursuit will result in a job offer (since not all opportunities will be right for you). 

Yet mastering the process should result in finding the right job for you.How To Stay Positive During Long Job Search

Keep Your Job-Search Skills Sharp
The longer it has been since your last job search, the more likely you are in need of polishing those job-search skills - especially your interviewing skills. One of the best techniques for keeping your interviewing skills sharp is role playing. Seek out a friend, colleague, or mentor to ask you the tough interview questions in a mock interview situation - and then keep tweaking those answers until you have confidence in your interviewing skills.

Join A Job Club, Groups or Pages on Social Media

One of the best tools for some job-seekers is a job club, where members get together regularly for moral support, skills updating, and the sharing of job leads. Many communities have job clubs, but if yours doesn't, consider starting one yourself. Look for announcements in the business section of your town's newspaper, free employment newspaper, phone book, or even local religious organizations.

Job searching can be exhausting, so it's important to not feeling along at this. Whether it's a support from your partner or a friend, or a job club mentioned above - going through cruel process of looking for a job will be much easier.

Think Positive
If you are pessimistic about your chances in an upcoming job interview, chances are the employer is going to sense those vibes. A long job-search can be really tough and discouraging. It can be hard on the ego at times, but as best you can, you need to forget these feelings and focus on the positive thoughts! Following some of the strategies mentioned above should help get your job-search moving in a positive direction.

However, there are also some advantages to a long job search process, believe it or not. Some of them are becoming an expert interviewee and maybe even interviewer, finally achieving an outstanding resume, learning how to write cover letters, becoming a more efficient job seeker, learning a lot about companies from researching them for the job search process. You might end up making a career change and becoming a Human Resources professional without asking for it, after gaining months of expertise in recruiting.

- Naij

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